Build vs. buy: evaluating commercial off-the-shelf and custom software options

Public Sector

How a Top Digital County in the U.S. Explored Software Options to Revolutionize Digital Forensics and Evidence Management

This case study details how a top digital county in the United States partnered with SingleStone to evaluate commercial off-the-shelf and custom software options for its Digital Forensics and Evidence Management (DFEM) system. The goal was to ensure secure, accessible, and forward-thinking software that would set a new standard for digital evidence management.


Client Background:

A government system named among the top digital counties in the United States was leading the charge on a national issue that was growing with the use of technology. The client aimed to improve its Digital Forensics and Evidence Management (DFEM) software to ensure evidence could be easily and securely shared between approved parties.

Challenge Overview:

  • Limited Options: Off-the-shelf solutions did not adequately consider self-represented defendants or public access, a key concern for the client.
  • Security & Accessibility Needs: The client needed a solution that would eliminate the "air gap" between pretrial and trial phases by securely tracking and presenting digital evidence in a form that was admissible in court.
  • Forward-Thinking Approach: The client sought a software solution that would raise the bar for digital evidence management across the state of Virginia.

Key Pain Points:

  • Inadequate Off-the-Shelf Solutions: Existing commercial options did not meet the client’s requirements nor regulatory requirements.
  • Need for Inclusivity: The client believed every community member deserved equal access to the DFEM workflow, not just those working within the court system.
  • High Stakes: The outcome of this project had the potential to set a new standard for digital evidence management statewide.


Comprehensive Build vs. Buy Analysis:

SingleStone was tasked with evaluating commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and custom software options. However, the team went beyond the initial request to ensure the most accurate and beneficial decision was made.

Key Actions Taken:

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Worked closely with a broad range of stakeholder groups to understand the needs of all potential users.
  • Domain-Driven Design (DDD): Used DDD techniques to create a comprehensive current state map, iterating through future state designs with business and technical leaders.
  • Vendor Evaluation: Conducted vendor demos and interviews to validate maintainability constraints and gather critical data.

Solution Options Evaluated:

  • Four Off-the-Shelf Products: Evaluated for their ability to meet the client’s needs.
  • Hybrid Solutions: Considered combining purchased solutions with customization to fit specific requirements.
  • Custom Software Solution: Explored the feasibility and benefits of developing a fully-customized solution.

Measurement Criteria:

  • The options were measured against collaboratively established qualitative and quantitative requirements, ensuring alignment with the client’s goals.


Adopted Strategy:

  • The team delivered a comprehensive architecture and roadmap, solidly grounded in our analysis of upfront costs, implementation effort, and ongoing support needs. These deliverables represented our definitive choice for the client and guided their budgeting process.

Hybrid System Implementation:

  • The Build vs. Buy analysis led to the development of a high-level architecture and workflow, integrating off-the-shelf software for rapid deployment with strategically designed custom applications. This hybrid system embodied a comprehensive solution tailored to the client's needs.

Key Benefits:

  • Cost Savings: Though decreased cost was not part of the initial ask, SingleStone provided this unexpected benefit for the client. The thorough evaluation allowed the county to bypass additional administrative processes, saving tens of thousands of dollars.
  • Scalability: The DFEM system designed with SingleStone's guidance will become a model that can be adopted at scale by other localities.

Long-Term Impact:

  • Once implemented, the DFEM system will raise the standard for digital evidence management and secure the client’s position as a leader in the state of Virginia.

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