March 21, 2024

New Miro Template for Strategically Classifying Contexts

Ryan Shriver

In Domain-Driven Design (DDD), foundational to creating your organization’s future-state architecture is identifying the bounded contexts based on your business model. Our recent Miro template DDD: Design Bounded Contexts helps you do this. Once you know your contexts, there are often new questions:

  1. Which contexts have the potential to maximize our return on investment (ROI)?
  2. Which contexts contain our intellectual property (IP) and are unique differentiators in the market?
  3. Which contexts should we create custom-developed software? Where are we better off purchasing software?
  4. Which contexts do we expect will become more (or less) differentiated in the future?
  5. How are our people and costs aligned to these contexts?

These and other questions can be answered using our latest Miro template DDD: Strategically Classify Contexts. Based on the Core Domain Chart from the ddd-crew, we have used this template over the last few years to help Business and IT Leaders get aligned on the strategic importance of each context and answer these questions.

Contexts with Strategic Classification

Like all templates in our DDD series, this one includes:

  1. Two-hour agenda for a workshop to strategically classify your bounded contexts
  2. Workshop roles and step-by-step instructions for running an engaging workshop
  3. Real-world example and helpful hints for success

Hopefully, these templates will help your teams as they create domain-driven future state architectures in ways that are fun and engaging. If you want help getting started on your architecture modernization journey or getting un-stuck, let’s chat.

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