
How do we define critical thinking? Apply it? Learn it? Can we teach students and adults how to think more critically? Dave Carillo joins Ryan Shriver to answer these questions and so much more.

Dave is Co-Founder of one of the country’s first academic offices devoted solely to studying critical thinking and raising critical thinking outcomes. He served as the lead administrator of the Interdisciplinary Writing and Reasoning Portfolio, has been published by The Hill, and is a critical thinking subject matter expert (SME) for the U.S. military. Dave lives in West Hartford, CT with his wife and two children.

Episode Links:

The Critical Thinking Initiative

Group Dynamics, Ideating, and Brainstorming, Smarterer Podcast

Smarterer Podcast, Dave Carillo and Steven Pearlman

America’s Critical Thinking Crisis: The Failure and Promise of Education, Steven Pearlman

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