Our AI-Assisted Data Harmonizer turns your Data Catalog into a hub of shared meaning
Data catalogs can streamline any business that runs on data—but they’re only as good as what you put into them. Creating a high quality catalog is especially hard for companies on a rapid growth trajectory because different parts of the business—even in the same industry—use different language to talk about the same concepts. A person creating an enterprise standard may not even know how much variability is out there.

Find the institutional knowledge in your data
Your business is built by people who know how everything works. That knowledge sits in a menagerie of source systems, but how can you make sense of it all? SingleStone’s Data Harmonizer lets you explore all the business terms and definitions holistically, and decide what’s right for the enterprise as a whole.

Get everyone singing the same tune
You can’t create harmony one voice at a time — you have to hear all of them together to know who is off key. Similarly, you can’t harmonize a data catalog one term at a time. The Data Harmonizer displays all of your related terms together, making it easy to see all the ways of talking about a concept within the enterprise.

Focus on the important relationships
If your glossary has 900 terms, that’s more than 400,000 semantic relationships. How do you find the 2% that are most important? We show you all the relationships that are nearly identical — or close enough to create confusion — so you can create clarity and the enterprise can move forward with confidence.

Focus on the important relationships
If your glossary has 900 terms, that’s more than 400,000 semantic relationships. How do you find the 2% that are most important? We show you all the relationships that are nearly identical — or close enough to create confusion — so you can create clarity and the enterprise can move forward with confidence.