
Mathias Verraes runs a boutique consultancy that advises organizations on designing and modeling software for complex environments, including architecture, analysis, testing, and refactoring “unmaintainable” systems. He has worked with clients in Finance, Government, Supply Chain, Mobility, Energy, E-Commerce, and more. He teaches Domain-Driven Design courses and curates the DDD Europe conference. When he’s at home in Kortrijk, Belgium, he helps his two sons build crazy Lego contraptions.Domain-Driven Design EuropeRefactoring, Martin FowlerDDD Conference Europe, Eric EvansRebecca Wirfs-Brock: BlogRebecca Wirfs-Brock: TwitterDesigning Object-Oriented Software, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock Splitting a Domain Across Multiple Bounded Contexts, by Mathias Verraes and Rebecca Wirfs-Brock Data and Reality, William Kent Object Thinking, Dave West Cognitive Edge, Dave Snowden Working Effectively with Legacy Code, Michael Feathers String Quartets Pop Music

Mathias Verraes

Mathias Verraes

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